1. Finally, a group of several hundred people marched towards the ?????.. part of the city and
stormed the fortress-prison, the Bastille, where they hoped to find hoarded ammunition?
A. Eastern
B. Northern
C. Western
D. Southern
2. Who said ? The task of representing the people has to be given to the rich??
A. Mirabeau
B. Jean Paul Marat
C. Rousseau
D. Georges Denton
3. Which of the following decisions was taken by the convention?
A. It declared France a constitutional Monarchy
B. Abolished the Monarchy
C. All men and women above 21 got the right to vote
D. Declared France a Republic
4. How does a subsistence crisis happen?
A. Bad harvest leads of scarcity of grains
B. Food prices rise and the poor cannot buy bread
C. Leads to disease and death
D. All of the above

Dear student,

The solution for your 1st and 2nd query has been provided below.
For remaining queries, we request you to post them in seperate threads to have rapid assistance from our experts.

Answer 1- 
A. Eastern part . 
In the armed fight that followed, the commander of the Bastille was killed and the prisoners released though they were only seven of them.

Answer 2-
B. Jean- paul Marat
During the French revolution, Jean paul Marat became the vigorous voice and defender of people. He encouraged people through his columns in newspapers, play cards, and pamphlets. He was the one who said that the task of representating the people has to be given to rich.


  • 1
1) option B - Northern 
  • 1
2) option B - Jean Paul Marat
  • 2
3) option D - Declared France a Republic
  • -1
4) option D - All of the above
  • 1
1) option B - Northern 
2) option B - Jean Paul Marat
3) option D - Declared France a Republic
4) option D - All of the above

  • 1
Thnx Neha
  • 1
@Vanshika Singh Your welcome .
Hope it helps u : ) 
  • 2
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