7. A number of letter that appears little above the normal text is called :
A. Subscript
B. Superscript
C. Supertext
D. Top text
8. A number of letter that appears little below the normal text is called :
A. Subscript
B. Superscript
C. Supertext
D. Subtext
9. Which feature starts a new line whenever a word or sentence reached a border
A. Text line
B. Superscript
C. Supertext
D. Subtext
10._________ allows you to Italicize the text
A. Bold
B. Italic
C. Subscript
D. Subtext
11._________ allows you to underline the text
A. Bold
B. Italic
C. Underline
D. Print
12._________ make your text darker than normal
A. Bold
B. Italic
C. Underline
D. Print

Dear student please find your answer below
7   B.Supercript
8  A. Subscript
9 A.Text line
10  B. Text italic
11  C. underline
12 A. bold 
Hope my answer helps you

  • 0
 Top text
  • 3
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