A,B and C are three mutually exclusive and exhaustive events associative with a random experiment. Find P(A),

If P(B) = 3/2 P(A) and 2P(C) =P(B)

A,B, C are three mutually exclusive events associated with a random experiment. Find P(A) givdn that: P(B)=3/2P(A) and P(C)= 1/2P(B).
  • -13

  • -21
This is the solution

  • 6
As the 3 events are mutually exclusive events so their intersection would be 0 ..... so now we take p(A) be x .. nd thn solve for the value of x by taking 1 as the equal side.. the answer wil be 4/13
  • 5
P(A) = 4/13
  • 2
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