A beam of alpha particles projected along +x axis, experience a force due to magnitic field along the +y axis. What is the direction of the magnetic field?

According to Right-hand rule, the direction of force (F) on positively charged particle will be perpendicular to the plane of paper upward and on negatively charged particle will be perpendicular to the plane of paper downwards. As, F=q v×B   or,    F =q v×B = q v B sinθ
If v=1, q=1 and sin θ=1 or θ=90ο, then
Thus the magnetic field induction at a point in the field is equal to the force experienced by a unit charge moving with a unit velocity perpendicular to the direction of magnetic field at that point.
The direction of F is the direction of cross-product of velocity v and magnetic field B, which is perpendicular to the plane containing  v and  B.
Thus, from the cross product rule and Right-hand rule, the direction of magnetic field is along + Z-axis.

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