(a)Calculate the number of molecules of SO2 present in 44g of it.

(b)If one mole of oxygen atoms weigh 16 grams find the mass of one atom of oxygen (in grams).

Urgent i had test tomorrow

To find the number of molecules, we need to first find the number of moles of SO2 present in 44g of the compound. To do this we need to use the formula
Step 1  Moles = mass of SO2molar mass of SO2
Molar mass of SO2 =  atomic mass of S +  2 X atomic mass of O
  =  32  amu (g/mol) +  2 X 16 amu (g/mol)
  =  32 + 32 = 64 g/mol
Therefore moles of SO2 =  44/64 =  mol
Step2: Use Avogadro number to convert moles into the number of molecules
  Number of SO2 molecules =  number of moles  X  Avogadro number
   =  0.6875 mol  X  (6.022  X  1023) molecules/mol= 4.14X 1023 molecules

2.  To find mass of 1 oxygen atom,  we divide the mass of 1 mole of oxygen atom by number of oxygen atoms in one mole which equals Avogadro number
1 mole of O atoms contains = 6.022 X 1023 atoms of O
1 mole or 6.022 X 1023 atoms of O have a mass of 16g
Mass of one atom of O  =  166.022 ×1023 = 2.66 X 10-23g

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