A die is thrown 50 times and it showed the number 1, 23times. find the probability of getting a number other than 1 in the next throw of the die.

the probability of getting number 1 in  a throw = 23/50
therefore the probability of getting number other than 1 

hope this helps you

  • 25
50-23 = 27
27/50 = 0.54
Thumbs up plz......
  • 3
Probability =  favourable outcome
                       Total possible outcome.
Number of times the number one is shown = 27.
Number of time other number is thrown = Number of time a die is thrown - Number of time 1 has been shown.
                                                                = 50-27
                                                               = 23
P(getting a another number is) = 23
  • 4
Sorry its 50-23 = 27
= 27/50 = 0.54
  • 2
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