A gulab jamun, contains sugar syrup up to about 30% of its volume. Find approximately how much syrup would be found in 45 gulab jamuns, each shaped like a cylinder with two hemispherical ends with length 5 cm and diameter 2.8 cm (see the given figure).

t can be observed that

Radius (r) of cylindrical part = Radius (r) of hemispherical part =

Length of each hemispherical part = Radius of hemispherical part = 1.4 cm

Length (h) of cylindrical part = 5 − 2 × Length of hemispherical part

= 5 − 2 × 1.4 = 2.2 cm

Volume of one gulab jamun = Vol. of cylindrical part + 2 × Vol. of hemispherical part

Volume of 45 gulab jamuns == 1,127.25 cm3

Volume of sugar syrup = 30% of volume

plz tell me why it is voulume of gulab jamun is taken to find the sugar suyrup. why we can't take area of gulab jamun in the place volume because container contain gulab jamun we can take their area and then the volume of container. im not able to understand the question. please try to explain with proper diagram.

Dear Student,

In case of liquid always volume is measured. Here the syrup is a kind of volume and whenever a liquid is placed in a container it will firstly cover the surface area of container then start rising which is equal to the height attained.

So, total quantity of syrup in a container = Base area × height,  which is nothing but volume.

This is the only reason that the volume of gulab jamun is taken.



From the figure it is quite clear that

Radius of cylindrical part = Radius  of hemispherical part = r =  

Length of each hemispherical part = Radius of hemispherical part = 1.4 cm

Length(h) of cylindrical part = 5 − 2 × Length of hemispherical part = 5 − 2 × 1.4 = 2.2 cm

Volume of one gulab jamun = Volume of cylindrical part + 2 × Volume of hemispherical part

Volume of 45 gulab jamuns = = 1,127.25 cm3

Now, volume of sugar syrup in 5 gulab jamuns  = 30% of volume of 45 gulab jamuns

Hope you get it!!

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