A motorcycle is travelling along a straight road at 8 m/s. It accelerates at 1m/s2 for a distance of 18 m. Calculate the time it has taken to cover 18 m.      Please answer this .....


Given Values:

s (distance traveled) = 18 m
u (initial velocity) = 8 m/sec
a (acceleration) = 1 m/sec2
t (time) = To be calculated

Now, using the second equation of motion;

s=ut + 12at218=8(t) + 12(1)t218=8t + 0.5t2-8t - 0.5t2+18=0Taking negative of both the sides,8t + 0.5t2-18=0On solving the quadratic equation, we get,t=2 or -18 seconds

Now, we know that time cannot be a negative value. Hence, the final answer will be 2 seconds.

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