A rod of mass m and length l is lying along the y-axis such that one of its ends is at the origin. Suddenly an impulse is given to the rod such that immediately after the impulse, the end on the origin has a velocity voi^  and the other end has a velocity 2vo i . The magnitude of angular momentum of the rod about the origin at this instant is?
(a)2/3 mv​ol   (b) 3/2 mvol  (c) 5/6 mvol   (d) 7/8mvol

Let the impulse acts at a point distance r1 from the origin.Therefore the distance of second end from the point where impulse is imparted,is given by l-r1.Therefore       f1t1r1=f2t2l-r1or                   m×v0t1×t1r1=m×2v0t2×t2l-r1or                   r1=2l-2r1or                   r1=2l3Therefore the angular momentum of the rod about origin is given by the angular momentum of the point of impulse from the origin i. e.                L=mv0  r1=2mv0l3Therefore correct answer is option a 23mv0l.

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