A wooden block of mass m and density ρ is tied to a string ; the other end of the string is fixed to the bottom of the tank.The tank is filled with a liquid of density σ with σ ρ.What is the tension in the string

a) { 1 - (ρ /σ ) } m g b){ (σ /ρ ) - 1 } m g c) (ρ /σ ) m g d)(σ /ρ ) m g

Volume of the block = massdensity = mρvolume of the block is  equal to the volume of the water displaced.upthrust force which will act in upward direction as density of liquid is greater than the block,  will be equal to weight of the liquid displaced.upthrust =weight of the liquid displaced = densiy of the liquid×volume of the liquid displced ×g= σ× mρ ×gweight of the block will act in downward direction.tension in the string = upthrust - weight of the blockT = mσgρ - mgT = mgσ-ρρ

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