ABC and DBC are both isosceles tringles on a common base BC such that A and D lie on the same side of Bc. Are triangles ADB and ADC congruent? Which condition do you use? If angle BAC = 40 degrees and angle BDC = 100 degrees then find angle ADB

Given: 2 triangles ABC and BDC having common base BC, 

AB = BD,


Consider ΔABC and ΔBCD,

AB = BD  (given)

BC = BC  (common)

AC = CD (given)

∴ ΔABC ΔDBC,by SSS congruency

Hence, ∠1 = ∠2 and ∠3 = ∠4  (cpct)

⇒ ∠5 = ∠6

But ∠ABD may or may not be equal to ∠ACD.

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Re. Triangles ABC and DBC have side BCcommon, AB=BD and AC=CD. Are the two triangles congruent? State in symbolic form. Which congruence condition do you use? Dose angle ABDequal angle ACD? Why or why not?

Meritnation expert Santosh I have asked this question and the link you gave me is for some other question. Please give me the answer for this question. Thank you

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# the link you gave me is for this question. By mistake i wrote some other question

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