Although the story , ?The Last Lesson? is fiction, it is based on real events in Alsace
after the Franco-Prussian War. Consider the effects of the war on the lives of the
everyday people in this town. How does war change people? Is it ever for the better?
Cite evidence from the lesson, your own experience, and other literature, art, or
history in your answer.

Dear Student,

War is a great threat to mankind. Fear, anxiety, tension and hatred are some of the offsprings of war. No individual is in favour of this brutal act. Innocent people lose their lives. Moreover, war is not the solution to any problem. In the lesson, the people of Alsace had to deal with the effect of war. They could no more learn their own language, French. It was banned and only the German language was to be taught in the schools of Alsace. The teaching of French was totally banned and the teachers teaching French were asked to leave the place.


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