Anjali lost 25% by selling her car for Rs. 75000. Find the cost price of the car.

Dear Student,

Let the Cost Price be Rs. x .Loss % =LossC.P × 100Loss % = C.P - S.PC.P × 10025 =x - 75000x × 10025100 = x - 75000x14=x - 75000xx=4x - 300000x-4x=-300000-3x=-300000x=100000 Cost price is Rs. 100000 .


  • 2
CP = (100 - LOSS% / 100 )* SP
100 - 25 = 75 %
75/100 * 7500 = 75 * 75 = 5625 Ans.
  • 0
Cost price of car is Rs10000
  • 1
Sorry answer is Rs100000
  • 1
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