Ans plz a,b,c and d

Q.2 (a) What will happen if field is not ploughed before sowing the seeds? Given any two disadvantages.
       (b) How are perishable food items stored on a commercial scale?
       (c) why should excessive supply of water be avoided?
       (d) Draw the diagram of sprinkler system.

Dear student.
Please find the solution below.

2. a.

Before sowing seeds a farmer should prepare the soil by ploughing. It helps to churn the soil up and down so that air passes through the soil particles and the soil pieces become even. On even soil when seeds are sown they reach to a specific distance in the soil and get adequate amount of air and water so that they germinate quickly and evenly. The disadvantage, if seeds are sown without preparing the soil, are: most of the seeds may not germinate properly resulting in wastage of money and energy. No proper nutrient distribution will also not take place.

Perishable food material includes food such as meat, fish, ripe fruits etc. which are likely to decay quickly. Such food material required an optimum temperature condition, therefore, such food material are stored in either deep refrigeration condition i.e, freezer or cold storage.

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