ANSWER after reading paragraph
1) how temperature remains constant
By heat liberation ??
"Cooling curve : Amorphous solids show smooth cooling curve while crystalline solids show two
breaks in cooling curve. In the case of crystalline solids two breaks points 'a' and 'b' are appear. These
points indicate the beginning and the end of the process of crystallization. In this time interval temperature
remains constant. This is due to the fact that during crystallisation process energy is liberated which
compensates for the loss of heat thus the temperature remains constant."

Dear student,

In the case of crystallization, there is a loss of heat takes place because during crystallization liquids are converted into solids which leads to the loss of heat on the other hand crystallization leads to the formation of strong bonds and when strong bonds are formed than some amount of heat is released, so in the whole process, the temperature remains constant.

And this is an example of phase change and in phase change temperature remains constant.

The temperature remains constant during the change of state because the energy is required for the substance to undergo a change from one form to another form, i.e Heat absorbed is utilized in breaking of bonds and several other restructural processes to occur. This heat is known as latent heat.
There are various types of latent heats :
1) Latent Heat of fusion:  Heat absorbed when a solid is converted to liquid.
It is the heat required to change 1 kg of a solid substance into liquid state at the melting point of the substance. For example, amount of heat required to melt ice at 0 ° C into water at 0 °C, will be known as the Latent Heat of Fusion of ice.


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