“..But if it had to perish twice I think I know enough of hate To say that of destruction....”
(a) In the above lines “it” refers to (i) The entire world (ii) The life of the poet (iii)The fire that destroys everything
(b) “Perish” in the above lines means (i) To rejuvenate (ii) To destroy (iii)To rise again
(c)In the given lines "I" refers to (i) The personified fire (ii) The ice that is as dangerous as fire (iii)The poet himself
(d)How has the poet described the world to be destroyed in the first place? (i) By the excessive desire and greed of fire (ii) By the coldness of hatred of ice (iii)By the crumbling of peace itself
(e) What has the poet experienced in the poem (i) Coldness of ice (ii) The roaring fire (iii)The broken trust
(f) Which figure of speech has been used in the above lines? (i)Anaphora (ii)Metaphor (iii)Repetition

Dear Student,
​​​​​​a. i. The entire world. 
b. ii. To destroy
c iii. The poet himself
d. (i) By the excessive desire and greed of fire 
e.  (ii) The roaring fire 
f, Metaphor.
Hope this helps!

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