Calculate the capacitance of the arrangement of two parallel plates of area A separated by a distance of d between then. K1, K2 and K3 are the dielectric constants of the three materials in between the plates as in the figure.

Dear student
capacitance of capacitor with dielectric with dielectric constant K2C2=K2A2×d2=K2Adcapacitance of capacitor with dielectric with dielectric constant K3C3=K3A2×d2=K3Adboth these capacitors are connected in series so1C23=1C2+1C31C23=dK2A+dK3A1C23=dA(1K2+1K3)C23=AK2K3d(K2+K3)Now this capacitor is connected in parallel with the capacitor filled with the dielectric with dielectric constant K1C1=K1A2dso equivalent capacitance is Ceqv=C23+C1Ceqv=AK2K3d(K2+K3)+K1A2d=Ad(K2K3K2+K3+K12)Regards

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