calculate total no. of atoms present in 0.05 moles of glucose.

1 mole of glucose contains = 6.022×1023 atoms
0.05 moles of glucose = 0.05×6.022×1023 = 0.3011×1023 atoms

  • -2
no. of molecules of glucose = no. of moles x avogadronumber = 0.05 x 6.022 x 1023 = 3.011 x 1022
no of atoms in one molecule of glucose = 6+12+6= 24 atoms
no. of atoms in 3.011 x 1022molecules = 3.011 x 1022x 24 = 7.2264 x 1023 atoms - answer
i hope u find my answer correct and easy to understand
  • 7
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