can i use sanitizer/ nail polish to extract chlorophyll from a leaf? by keeping the leaf in it?

Dear Student,

Chlorophyll is soluble in non-polar solvents and alcohol like ethanol is non-polar and hence can be used to extract chlorophyll from the leaves, as by treating leaves with ethanol the chlorophyll get soluble in it and come out with it. Sanitizers are alcohol-based, that is why they can be used for extracting chlorophyll from the leaves. However, a nailpolish is not suitable for the purpose. 


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Dear student,

Yes, Using Acetone/Nail Paint Remover you can extract chlorophyll from a leaf.

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Yes , you can use sanitizer / nail polish to extract chlorophyll from a leaf . 
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Method : Using Rubbing Alcohol/Surgeon's Hand Sanitizer
♣ Once the leaf becomes soggy, turn off the heat and remove the leaf from water. ... ♣ Leave the bowl in the pot containing hot water for about an hour. ♣ The liquid would have turned green after about an hour. This is your extracted chlorophyll.
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