Can someone explain me experiment number,4?
Can someone explain me experiment number,4? liberated in respiration iS not used up ill the xperiment to show that heat is evolved during starch). Take two and mark them (A) and Take about 200 seeds (pea or bean) and soak them in water for more than 24 hours. THERMOMETER WET COTTONWOOL Fig. 7.7 carbon di introducini tube, whic into conta( and the le• experimel after kilfr antiseptil Peeling 8 (Experiment) (Control) Fig. 7.6 Experiment to show liberation of heat during germination. Divide the seeds into two equal groups. Kill one group of seeds by boiling them, and then wash them with dilute formalin or carbolic acid to prevent bacterial decay. Put the live germinating seeds in flask (A) and the killed ones in flask (B). Insert a thermometer in each flask and plug their mouths with cotton wool. After a few hours, the thermometer in flask-A will show a higher reading, thus indicating that the germinating (live and respiring) seeds give out heat. The thermometer in flask (B) will not show any rise in temperature. 5. Experiment to demonstrate anaerobic respiration. Take eight to ten soaked and peeled off peas and push them into the mouth of a test-tube filled with mercury and inverted in a beaker of mercury. The seeds will float to the introdu outwarø 1. In (ii)

Dear Student,

Aerobic respiration, it a reaction in which oxidation of glucose takes place thereby releasing energy so, sometimes it can be equated with heat energy, therefore, called as a exothermic reaction. Represented as:  
Glucose + Oxygen → Carbon dioxide + Water + Energy
C6H12​​​​​​O(aq) + 6O2 (g) ​→ 6CO2 (g) + 6H2O (l) 

As, the seeds in flask A are live (moreover germinating - at this stage they actively grow and respire) therefore, they are respiring continuously and release heat energy which is then measured by the fixed thermometer.

Hope this information will clear your doubts about topic.

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