Comment upon the following: rigidity, compressibility, fluidity, filling a gas container, shape, kinetic energy, and density. Also, please compare these properties with solids, liquids and gases.

Dear Student,

  • Rigidity : It is the state in which the particles of a substance are fixed in their positions.
  • Compressibility : It is a property by which the volume of a sunstance can be reduced, or a substance can be made compact, by pressing it.
  • Fluidity : It is the property by virtue of which, the particles of a molecule move in space. A substance whose particles can move easily is said to be fluid, for example, liquid.
  • A gas conatiner can be filled with a gas by compressing the gas, as the particles of a gas have more space between them, and they can be brought closer to each other, by increasing the perssure of the gas.
  • Shape of a substance defines the arrangement of constitutent particles, of that substance in space. 
  • Kinetic energy is the energy of any substance in motion.
  • Density : It is the the packing of the constituent particles, in a given volume of the substance. It can also be referred to as thickness of the substance.

Follwoing table provides the comparison between solids, liquids and gases.

  • They are very rigid, as constituent particles are tightly held to each other.
  • They are comparitively less rigid, as the particles can move and are flexible. They take the shape of the container.
  • They are not rigid, as the particles are free to move in space.
  • They are non compressible, due to close packing of the particles.
  • They can be compressed to some extent.
  • They are highly compressible, as large space is present between the particles, adn they can be brought close to each other.
  • They have fixed shape.
  • They take the shape of the container.
  • They also, take the shape of the container.
  • The particles of solids have very less
  • The particles possess some amount of Kinetic energy. The particles are in motion continously, but do not leave the liquid surface.
  • The particles possess very large kinetic energy, as they are continously in motion and move with hihg speeds.
  • The density is high, due to close packing of particles.
  • Density is comparatively lower, than the solids, as particles are not too close to each other.
  • Density is very low, as the number of particles in a given volume is very low.

Hope, this information is helpful.

Enjoy learning!!

  • 52
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