Compare the features of the torrid zone and temperate zone.

 Torrid zone recives maximum amount of heat than any other zone on the earth.It is at 0degree (Equater).

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what is the purpose of having time zones

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torrid zone is between the tropic of cancer and capricorn and receives the maximum amount of heat 

temperate zone lies between the arctic circle and the tropic of cancer in northern hemisphere (northern temperate zone)
it also lies between the tropic of capricorn and the antarctic circle in the southern hemisphere. and the place located here are neither very hot nor very cold as it is away from the sun
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Torrid zone lies earther side of the Equator. This zone has high temperature throughout the year because the raise of the sun fall vertically on this region making it an region which is extremelly hot
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Temperature zone lies between the two torrid's- one in Northern hemisphere in the tropic of cancer and in the Artic circle and in the southern hemisphere in the tropic of Capricorn and in the Antarctic circle
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torrid zone is located between the tropic of cancer and Capricorn and receives maximum amount of heat while temperate zone is located tropic of cancer and arctic circle in North and tropic of Capricorn and antarctic circle in south and and has moderate climate.
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torrid zone -torrid means hot.It is the hottest region of the earth.It lies between the tropic of cancer and tropic of capricorn in both the hemisphere.

temperate zone-these region have moderate temperature.It lies between tropic of cancer and arctic circle in northern hemisphere and between the tropic of capricorn and antarctic circle in southern hemisphere.
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