complete the series 3, 8 ,23,___________,203

The series follows as the pevious no multiplied b three and minus one.
3 ( the next no is 8 because 3*3-1 = 8) ,
8 ( the next no is 23 because 8*3-1 = 23) ,
23 ( the next no is 23*3-1 = 68) , 
68 ​( the next no is 203 because 68*3-1 = 203)

3 , 8 , 23 , 68 , 203.

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We can also solve this series with the help of variable like the difference between 3 and 8 is 5 and the difference between 8 and 23 is 15 so 15 =3 ×5 (the difference of 3 and 8) so 23- x=( 15 × 3 )45 . So x= 45 +23= 68
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