​construct a triangle ABC right angle at B, BC=4cm and  hypotenuse AC=6cm

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Your question is not clear and appears to be incomplete.Sum of the hypotenuse and prependicular side should be given in the question and in your case it is missing. Recheck your question and please be a little specific so that we can provide you with some meaningful help. Looking forward to hear from you again!

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using phythygorous therom find AB. 
1. Draw BC of 4 cm. 
2. Contruct 90* using scale and compass.
3. then add side AB and AC. 
4. then using the compass mark the sum on the ray A'B.
5. then bisect the A'C
​6. The point at which the bisector intersect A'B mark the point as A.
7. join A and C.
8. Hence your right angle triangle ABC is ready
(IMP :- note that i have use A' means A dash )
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