Dear Sir,

Pls help me solve his simple interest problem.

Divide 3600 into two parts such that if one part be lend at 9% per annum and other part at 10% per annum the total annual income is Rs.333/-

Apprecaite your response.

Let the money lent at the rate of 9% per annum be x and at 10% per annum be (3600-x)

The total interest earned after 1 yr is Rs. 330


So the money lent at 9% is Rs. 2700 and at 10% is Rs.900

  • 7

let one amount be x and intrest on it be 9%

  remaining amount  =  (3 600 - x)  with intrest charged at 10%

total income  =  9% of x  +  10% of (3 600 - x)  = 333

  9% of x  +  10% of (3 600 - x)  =  333

  9x/100  +  10 (3 600 - x) /100   =  333

  9x + (36 000 - 10x) /100   =  333

   9x + 36 000 - 10x =  33 300

  x  =  2 700

.'.  the two amounts are  x = 2 700  and  (3 600 - x) = 900

  • 5
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