Define delta 

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Please find below the solution to the asked query:
A delta is a landform that is formed at the mouth of a river, where that river flows into an ocean, sea, estuary, lake, or reservoir.

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Full Definition of delta
  1. 1:  the 4th letter of the Greek alphabet — see alphabet table

  2. 2:  something shaped like a capital Greek delta; especially :  the alluvial deposit at the mouth of a river

  3. 3:  an increment of a variable —symbol Δ

  4. 4:  delta wave

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 An ​area of ​low, ​flat ​land, sometimes ​shapedlike a ​triangle, where a ​river ​divides into several ​smaller​rivers before ​flowing into the ​sea:the Mississippi deltathe delta of the Nile
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An area of land formed at the mouth of the river is called Delta.It is triangular in shape.
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A triangular shaped feature formed by the deposition of silt and sediment by the river where it meets the sea
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