define the term



tissue culture


Cutting- It is a technique of vegetative propagation in plants where a cutting is made from piece of the parent plant - stem, root or leaf, and planted it in a suitable medium. The nodal region of the stem is preferably taken.

Grafting- Grafting is a process commonly used in asexual propagation techniques where a part of one plant is joined to the stump of another plant. Portion of the stem with many buds is taken and this portion is known as scion. The stump to which the scion is attached is called the stock.

Tissue culture- It is a techniques used to grow plant cells, tissues or organs in an artificial environment on a nutrient culture medium of known composition, in order to produce many new plants. The new plant is produced in a very short span of time and is clone of the original mother plant.

Layering- Layering is a method of propagating a plant by growing roots through bending and nailing down a portion of an aerial stem to the ground while still attached to the parent plant. Once the roots develop, the branch is then cut off from the parent body. The branch that produces the roots is called the layer. 

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