describe how the nerve impulse is propagated in a non mylinated fibre

Generation of Nerve Impulse

  • Neurons are excitable cells because their membranes are polarised.

  • Neural membranes are polarised because selectively permeable ion channels are present on them.

  • At the resting state of a neuron:

    • Axonal membrane is more permeable to K+ and nearly impermeable to Na+.

    • It is impermeable to negatively charged proteins present inside the axoplasm. Thus, it does not let them go out.

    • As a result, the axoplasm has more concentration of K+ and negatively charged proteins, and less concentration of Na+. This creates a concentration gradient.

    • Gradient is maintained by the Sodium-Potassium Pump which pumps 3 Na+ out and 2 K+ in.

    • Hence, the outer surface of the membrane possesses positive charge and the inner surface possesses negative charge. This potential difference is called Resting Potential.

    • Membrane is, therefore, polarised.

  • When stimulus is applied at a particular site (say site A), that site becomes freely permeable to the influx of Na+; hence, the polarity at that site is reversed.

  • The membrane is now depolarised, and the potential difference across the site is called Action Potential (nerve impulse).

Conduction of Nerve Impulse

  • At a site (B) that is adjacent to the depolarised site (A), the outer surface of the membrane has positive charge and the inner surface has negative charge.

  • Depolarised site (A): Positive (in) and Negative (out)
    Adjacent site (B): Positive (out) and Negative (in)

  • Current flow on the inner surface: Site A to B
    Current flow on the outer surface: Site B to A
  • This completes the circuit of current flow. Polarity of site B is reversed and action potential is generated at site B.

  • Hence, the impulse travels to site B, and we say that this impulse is conducted. This sequence is repeated along the length of the axon.

  • Stimulus-induced permeability to Na+ is short-lived, and is quickly followed by permeability to K+. When this happens, the resting potential is restored, and once more, the site can be stimulated. 

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