Describe the incident known as ?Bloody Sunday?. State any two events after the Bloody Sunday which led to the revolution of 1905 in Russia.

a. The Bloody Sunday or the 1905 revolution was an important event in the outbreak of revolution in Russia,
b. On Sunday, a mass of workers was held at St. Petersburg, who marched towards Winter palace to present their petitions to the Tsar, like increase in wages, improvement in the conditions of workers.
c. On their way to winter palace, the unarmed demonstrators faced the brunt of the soldiers, who fired indiscriminately on them killing hundreds of them , wounding others.
d. The event came to be regarded as Bloody Sunday, resulting in a series of strikes, walkouts , demonstrations throughout the country.
e. Lawyers, engineers, doctors formed Union of Unions demanding constituent assembly.
f. The event really shook the Czarist regime who agreed to set up a Russian Parliament or Duma, but soon he relapsed into his old methods.
g. While during the period of revolution, trade unions were allowed to exist , however as the movement subsided these groups, unions were banned.
h. Czar imposed restrictions on political activities and suspended the Duma.
i. In the second duma the Tsar, got conservatives in, and kept liberals out of it.
j. Czar did not want anybody questioning his authority.

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