Describe the structure of nucleus with a labelled diagram. Also give its functions.
Give in short.


Nucleus: In the centre of all eukaryotic cells, there is a large prominent membrane-bound organelle known as the nucleus.

Structural components


Nuclear membrane

  • The nucleus is enclosed by a double layered cellular membrane called the nuclear membrane.


  • The nucleus contains a nuclear sap, enclosed by the nuclear envelope, which is known as the nucleoplasm. This holds the nucleoli and suspends the chromatins.


  • The nucleolus is a sub-organelle present inside the nucleus. It can be observed as a dark spot under the microscope.

  • Nucleoli are made up of proteins, ribosomal RNA (rRNA), and ribosomal DNA (rDNA).

Chromatin network

  • DNA gets associated with protein molecules to form chromatins.

  • Chromatins are present in the nucleoplasm.

Functions of the nucleus:
  1. The nucleus controls all metabolic activities of a cell. 
  2. It is concerned with the transmission of hereditary traits from the parent to the offspring.
  3. It plays an important role in cellular reproduction—the process by which a single cell divides to form two new cells.
  4. It also plays a crucial part in determining the way a cell will develop and the form it will exhibit at maturity. It does this by directing the chemical activities of the cell.

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