Detail explanation.
Which is a reversible reaction?
(a)​H2 + I2   2HI
(b) H2S04 +2H2O  BaS04 +2H2O
 (c) NaCl+ AgNO3 NaNO3+AgCl
(d)2KC1O3 2KCl + 3O2

Dear student,
 In reversible reactions the products can react with one another under suitable conditions to give back the reactants. In other words, in reversible reactions the reaction takes place in both the forward and backward directions. The reversible reaction may be expressed as : H2(g)+I2(g)2HI(g)
These reversible reactions never go to completion if performed in a closed container. For a reversible chemical reaction, an equilibrium state is attained when the rate at which a chemical reaction is proceeding in forward direction equals the rate at which the reverse reaction is proceeding.
Option (a) is a reversible reaction
Rest all are precipitation reactions which are irreversible in nature because energy required to reverse forward reaction here is prohibitive.

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