this is the right answer .....

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equilatereal triangle =A triangle having all sides equal

isosceles  triangle =  A triangle having  two sides equal

scalene  triangle  = a triangle having  all sides are of different lengths 

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Right angled triangle=  A triangle having a right angle

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hello  gurparteet

your spelling of equilatereal triangle is not correct

it is equilateral triangle

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Thank  u...


Usually i type fast and sometome  bymistake it happens 

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Different types of triangles are -:

equilatereal triangle =A triangle having all sides equal

isosceles? triangle =? A triangle having? two sides equal

scalene? triangle? =?a triangle having? all sides are of different lengths?
  • -1



right arrow  

A triangle has three sides and three angles 

right arrow  

The three angles always add to 180°

Equilateral, Isosceles and Scalene

There are three special names given to triangles that tell how many sides (or angles) are equal.

There can be 32 or no equal sides/angles:

Equilateral Triangle

Equilateral Triangle

Three equal sides 
Three equal angles, always 60°

Isosceles Triangle

Isosceles Triangle

Two equal sides 
Two equal angles

Scalene Triangle

Scalene Triangle

No equal sides 
No equal angles


What Type of Angle?

Triangles can also have names that tell you what type of angle is inside:

Acute Triangle

Acute Triangle

All angles are less than 90°

Right Triangle

Right Triangle

Has a right angle (90°)

Obtuse Triangle

Obtuse Triangle

Has an angle more than 90°


Combining the Names

Sometimes a triangle will have two names, for example:
Right Isosceles Triangle

Right Isosceles Triangle

Has a right angle (90°), and also two equal angles

Can you guess what the equal angles are?

Play With It ...

Try dragging the points around and make different triangles:

You might also like to play with the Interactive Triangle.


The perimeter is the distance around the edge of the triangle: just add up the three sides:



triangle base=b height=h

The area is half of the base times height.

  • "b" is the distance along the base
  • "h" is the height (measured at right angles to the base)

Area = ½ × b × h

The formula works for all triangles.

Note: a simpler way of writing the formula is bh/2

Example: What is the area of this triangle?

Triangle height=12, base=20

(Note: 12 is the height, not the length of the left-hand side)


Height = h = 12

Base = b = 20

Area = ½ × b × h = ½ × 20 × 12 = 120

The base can be any side, Just be sure the "height" is measured at right angles to the "base":

(Note: You can also calculate the area from the lengths of all three sides using Heron's Formula.)


Why is the Area "Half of bh"?

Imagine you "doubled" the triangle (flip it around one of the upper edges) to make a square-like shape (a parallelogram) which can be changed to a simple rectangle:

triangle area

THEN the whole area is bh, which is for both triangles, so just one is ½ × bh.

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Every triangle have 3angles 3vertices and 3edges
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What mining of bando
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the three types are:
>scalene triangle- three sides are unequal
>isosceles triangle-two sides are equal
>equilateral triangle-all sides are equal
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A triangle's type depends on the length of its sides and the size of its angles (corners). There are three types of triangle based on the length of the sides: equilateral, isosceles, and scalene....
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There are three types of angles
Scalene triangle - A triangle which does not has any of its side equal.
Iscosceles triangle - A triangle which has only two of its sides equal.
Equilateral triangle - A triangle that has all its sides equal is known as an equilateral triangle.
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There are two types of triangles:
1.Triangles based on sides
i)Equilateral triangle-All sides are equal.
ii)Isosceles triangle-Any two sides are equal.
iii)Scalene triangle-All sides are of different length.
2.Triangles based on angles
i)Acute angled triangle-All angles are less than 90degrees.
ii)Right angled triangle-One angle measures 90degrees.
iii)Obtuse angled triangle- One angle measure more than 90degrees.
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Please find this answer

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How many types???
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there are three triangles
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equilateral- ALL 3 SIDES ARE EQUAL
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equilateral triangle =A triangle having all sides equal isosceles triangle = A triangle having two sides equal scalene triangle = a triangle having all sides are of different lengths Hope it helps😘
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Scalene triangle is a triangle where all the 3 line segments are in different measures
Isosceles triangle is a triangle where 2 line segments are of the same measure .
Equilateral triangle is a triangle where all the 3 line segments are of the same length .
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Please find this answer

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Hi friend hear is your answer Thank you for asking question From meritnation

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Can any one please send the algebric set33.
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scalene triangle isosceles triangle and equiletreal triangle
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