1. differentiate sin -1 (2x+1.3x)/1+36x.
  2. all in powers.

We have,y = sin-12x+1 . 3x1 + 36x y = sin-12 . 6x1 + 62xput 6x = tan θθ = tan-16xnow,y = sin-12 tan θ1 + tan2θy = sin-1sin 2θy = 2 θ  y = 2 tan-16xdydx= 21 + 62x × ddx6xdydx= 21 + 62x × 6x log 6

  • 182

Hey Hari,

take 6^x=t

sin^(-1) { 2^(x+1).3^x) / 1+36^x

=sin^(-1) { 2^x.2.3^x) / (1+6^(2x))

=sin^(-1) { 2.6^x) / (1+6^(2x))

=sin^(-1) { 2t / 1+t^2}

now take t=tany

=sin^(-1) { 2tan y / 1-(tan^2) y)}

now the quantity within the bracketts is sin2y

so sin^(-1) { sin2y}=2y



now differentiate wrt to x



  • -20

Oops i made a mistake



we have to find






  • -14
What are you looking for?