Discuss Jack’s perception about gender and its roles. Cite instances from the text to support your answer. (Reference : Class 12 English NCERT Vistas - Should Wizard hit Mommy)

While Jack was relating the story, he heard furniture being moved, but he didn't go down to assist Clare because she was six months pregnant and shouldn't be moving heavy stuff. After finishing the story, Jack went downstairs to find his wife, Clare, painting the chair while wearing an old shirt of his over her pregnant attire. He saw the woodwork as a cage, and he felt trapped in an unattractive midway position. He had the impression that they were both imprisoned together. He refused to speak to her, work with her, or even touch her. This is a fictional depiction of how the patriarchal cultural milieu of the 1950s supported the masculine mindset, which began to crumble in the 1960s and 1970s. The story reflects the story's disturbing gender roles and perceptions. Even while relaying the story to his daughter, Jo, who assumed the event was done, he mirrored the masculine chauvinistic mindset. But Jack didn't enjoy it when ladies took things for granted; he preferred them nervously waiting for his words. As a result, he included them in his story on purpose.

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