distinguish between voluntary actions involuntary actions of our body.

Here is your answer, Difference between them

Involuntary actions

Voluntary actions

Involuntary actions are those we cannot control according to our will means it does not involve thoughts.

Those actions which are under the individual 's controls, initiated by himself and by his own consciousness are known as voluntary actions

Most involuntary actions such as heart beat, blood pressure, movement of food in the alimentary canal, salivation, etc. are controlled by the midbrain and hindbrain

Most of the voluntary actions like reading a book, clapping are controlled by forebrain.

All these involuntary actions are controlled by the medulla of the hindbrain.

All these voluntary actions are controlled by the cerebrum which is a part of forebrain

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Both the somatic (voluntary) and autonomic (involuntary) nervous systems are controlled by the brain (for the most part). The somatic nervous system controls skeletal muscle which is involved predominately in the movement of bones (like moving your legs, arms, mouth etc.) The autonomic nervous system is composed of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems (as well as the enteric nervous system which is largely not controlled by the brain), which influence smooth and cardiac muscle such as the muscles of blood vessels, the intestines, the bladder, etc. Voluntary actions are initiated in the cerebral cortex, specifically in the motor areas. Autonomic actions are initiated in the brain in the hypothalamus, brain stem and limbic structures.

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