Do metals tend to gain or lose electrons? When do metals gain or lose electrons? What is the balance of electrons? Metals have current or static electricity? Why? Please answer same for non metals too.. Please give point wise. Chapter is some natural phenomena

Solution : 

The answer of question number 1 and 2 is provided below. 

Metals usually have few valence electrons and they lose electrons from their outer most shell thus, forming an ion with positive charge (cations). This is because it is easy for metals to loose electron and attain stable or octet configuration similar to rare gases. Hence, to attain stability metals lose valence electrons.
E.g. Sodium
(Atomic no. =11
Electronic configuration -1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s1)
metal has one valence electron and it is easy for it to loose 1e rather to gain 7e to attain stable configuration.
Hence, it loose 1e forming Na+ cation.

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