do you think doris pearson and cyril pearson are the real image of children in todays socitey ...why????

Doris Pearson and Cyril Pearson aptly fit the bill for the image of the children of today-spoilt, given unlimited freedom, rude, brattish, disrespectful towards their elders and highly opinionated with grand notions about themselves. They think they are more knowledgeable than their elders just because they have more freedom and more opportunities and access to gaining knowledge. Doris looks down upon her mother and Cyril bosses her around, they do not show any respect towards their own mother which is an indicator of the way in which they deal with people outside their home. They have a high opinion of themselves, they think they are more experienced than their elders just because they have been allowed more freedom. However, what is needed is a wake-up call for them which comes to the two siblings in the form of Mrs Fitzgerald.

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