Does the velocity of light changes when it enters from one medium to another???

Light changes wavelength as it passes from one medium to another because it changes speed as it enters the new medium.

Light's energy is defined as its frequency multiplied by the Planck constant ( E=hf). When light travels from one medium to another, its energy doesn't change, so its frequency stays the same, this is observed as light not changing color as it passes through glass. However, its speed does change (kind of). From the formula v=fλ, the velocity changes so the wavelength changes.

As light travels from a less dense medium to a more dense medium (like from air to glass), its velocity decreases, so the wavelength increases. It is this change that causes light to bend. This is determined from the materials refractive index, using the formula v2v1=n1n2.

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the velocity change because of the light density
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Light changes wavelength as it passes from one medium to another because it changes speed as it enters the new medium. ... As light travels from a less dense medium to a more dense medium (like from air to glass), its velocity decreases, so the wavelength increases. It is this change that causes light to bend.
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Light changes wavelength as it passes from one medium to another because itchanges speed as it enters the new medium. ... As light travels from a less densemedium to a more dense medium (like from air to glass), its velocity decreases, so the wavelength increases. It is this change that causes light to bend.
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Light travels as waves, with the wavefronts perpendicular to the direction of motion. In the animation shown here, the wavefronts are represented by the green parallel lines. The red arrow represents the direction of motion.  As light moves from air into water, it not only slows, but the wavelength changes. The animation below illustrates how the wavelength becomes shorter in the denser medium of water. To replay an animation, click on "replay".  Once you have viewed the first animation, click on "2" to continue.
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the veolocity change because of the light density
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