examples of  morphological, physiological and behavioural adaptations?

Physiological adaptation: physiological means related to function. An example of such adaptation is vermiform appendix. It is a  vestigial organ in humans. Charles Darwin suggested that the appendix was used for digesting leaves as primates. It may be a vestigial organ of ancient humans that has degraded to nearly nothing over the course of evolution as humans switched from herbivores to omnivores. The very long cecum of some herbivorous animals like horse where it is still functional support Darwin.

Behavioural adaptation: Examples of behavioural adaptation are hibernation and aestivation. 

Hibernation is the animal sleep to escape cold weather during winter. During this period animal’s body temperature drops, heartbeat, breathing and metabolic rate slows down to conserve energy. Example- Snake.

Aestivation (summer sleep) is animal sleep in hot and dry season i.e. summer. It is also characterized by lower metabolic rate and reduced activity. Example- Snails

Morphological adaptation: Adaptations in the body structure to adapt to the environment for survival is called morphological adaptation. For e.g. Camels live in desert and have long legs, which help them walk on sand. They do not sweat and their dung is dry. This allows them to conserve water in their body.


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