Explain interrogative adverbs briefly and what are clauses. 

Interrogative adverbs are adverbs which are used to ask as well as answer questions. There are various kinds of interrogative adverbs on various basis.

Interrogative adverbs of time: when, how often, how long, how soon, etc.

Interrogative adverbs of place: where.

Interrogative adverbs of number: how many, etc.

Interrogative adverbs of manner: how did, how was, how are, etc.

Interrogative adverbs of degree or quantity: how much, how far, how high, etc.

Interrogative adverbs of reason: why.

Interrogative adverbs can also be used at the beginning of subordinate clauses.

·  Start swimming when the coast guard whistles. (An adverb clause of time)

·  The house was built where the patio was supposed to be. (An adverb clause of place or location)

·  Laila could run when she is able. (An adverb clause of time)

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Interrogative adverbs are adverbs which are used to ask as well as answer questions. There are various kinds of interrogative adverbs on various basis.

Interrogative adverbs of time: when, how often, how long, how soon, etc.

Interrogative adverbs of place: where.

Interrogative adverbs of number: how many, etc.

Interrogative adverbs of manner: how did, how was, how are, etc.

Interrogative adverbs of degree or quantity: how much, how far, how high, etc.

Interrogative adverbs of reason: why.

Interrogative adverbs can also be used at the beginning of subordinate clauses.

Start swimming when the coast guard whistles. (An adverb clause of time)

The house was built where the patio was supposed to be. (An adverb clause of place or location)

Laila could run when she is able. (An adverb clause of time)

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