find the area of quadrilateral ABCD in which AB=16cm, BC=CD=26cm, AD=12cm and the diagonal BD=20cm

Dear Student ,

Please find below the solution to the asked query :

In ABD,Using Heron's Formulaa=16 cm , b=20 cm , c=12 cms=a+b+c2=16+20+122=482=24 cmArea  ABD = s s-a s-b s-c=24 24-16 24-20 24-12= 24 × 8 × 4 ×12=3×8×8×4×3×4=3×4×8=96 cm2.In BCD,Using Heron's Formulaa=26 cm , b=20 cm , c=26 cms=a+b+c2=26+20+262=722=36 cmArea  BCD = s s-a s-b s-c=36 36-26 36-20 36-26= 36 × 10 × 16 ×10=6×10×4=240 cm2.Area of quadrilateral ABCD=Area  ABD  + Area  BCD =96+240=336 cm2     ANS...

Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic .

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