find the area of the shaded region in figure , if BC=BD=8cm,AC=AD=15cm and O is  the centre of the circle.

SInce AOB is the diameter,

So, Angle ACB= Angle ADB= 90o

Ar.(ABC)= Ar.(ABD)= 1/2 * BC* AC [Since BC= BD and AC= AD]

Ar.(ABC)= Ar.(ABD)= 60cm2

By pythagoras theorem,

AB2= AC2+ BC2

AB2= 152+ 82

AB= 17cm

Therefore radius= 17/2 cm.

Ar. of C(O,r)= 22/7 * 17/2*17/2

= 3179/14 cm2

Ar. of the shaded region= Ar. of C(o,r)- Ar.(ABC)- Ar.(ABD)

= 3179/14- 60- 60

= 1499 /14 cm2

  • 5


Now, area of ∆ACB

Similarly, Area of ∆ADB = 60 cm2


Area of shaded region = Area of circle [ar (∆ACB) + ar (∆ADB)]

Hence, the area of the shaded region is106.07 cm2.

  • 3

rea of 2 right angle by phy togoras= (h)2=152+ (8)2

= (h)2= 225 + 64 =289= 17

= h = 17


area of circle= 22/7*8.5*8.5

= 1589.5/7= 227.07

area of circle -are of 2right triangle=227.07-120=107.07

  • 21
good answer @harsh mahajan
  • 1
First we have to find AB by using Pythagoras theorm and AB is a diameter so we get AB = 17 cm. So radius = 8.5 cm.
then we h
  • -5
which is the wright answer?
  • -1
What are you looking for?