Find the mass of 12.044 x 1023 atoms of megnesium.

(given -> atomic mass of Mg =24.0u)

In order to calculate the unit mass (in gms) of any substance we simply divide its molecular/atomic mass by the Avagadro's Number.


the mass of 1 atom of Mg = 24 / 6.023 X 10-23 gm


the mass of 12.044 X 10-23 atoms will be = 12.044 X 10-23 X (24 / 6.023 X 10-23) gms = 2 X 24 gms


the mass is 48 gms

  • 18

Molar mass of magnesium=24 u

So, number of atoms in 24 u=6.022*1023

So, mass of 12.044*1023 =2*24=48 u

  • 3

y is it 2*24???

  • -1

i din't understand dis properly could someone... plzz explaine it properly to me????

  • 0
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