Give 2 advantages and disadvantages of Dobernier's triads.

Dobereiners law of triads failed for the following reasons :

  • all the then known elements could not be arranged in the form of triads.

  • for very low mass or for very high mass elements, the law was not holding good. Take the example of F, Cl, Br. Atomic mass of Cl is not an arithmetic mean of atomic masses of F and Br.

    The only advantage of Dobereiners research was that it made chemists look at elements in terms of groups of elements with similar chemical and physical properties. This eventually led to rigorous classification of elements and the modern periodic table of elements, as we now know it, was discovered.

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Dobereiners law of triads failed for the following reasons :

All the then known elements could not be arranged in the form of triads.

For very low mass or for very high mass elements, the law was not holding good. Take the example of F, Cl, Br. Atomic mass of Cl is not an arithmetic mean of atomic masses of F and Br.

The only advantage of Dobereinersresearch was that it made chemists look at elements in terms of groups of elements with similar chemical and physical properties. This eventually led to rigorous classification of elements and the modern periodic table of elements, as we now know it, was discovered.

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