Give Me The List Of All The Endocrine Glands In Humans,There Hormones And There Function and location

Endocrine glands are:-

Pituitary gland:- Hormone secretead are Thyroid Stimulating hormone (TSH) and Growth hormone (GH). TSH stimulates the growth & functions of the thyroid gland. GH stimulates the growth & development of body.It is located at the base of the brain.

Thyroid gland:- Hormone secreted is Thyroxine. Thyroxine regulates the body temperature and plays an imporatnt role in growth & development. Inability of the body to produce these hormones may result in a disease known as goitre. It is located at the base of the throat.

Pancreas:- Hormone secreted is Insulin. Insulin regulates the blood sugar level. Inability of the body to produce insulin may cause a disease called diabetes. It is located near the liver.

Adrenal gland:-Hormone secreted is adrenaline or epinephrine. Adrenaline heps in the defence of the body in emergency situations. It is located near the kidneys.

Ovaries:-Hormone secreted is oestrogen. Oestrogen controls the secondary sexual characteristics in females such as development of breasts etc. It is located in the pelvic region in females. Found only in females.

Testes:-Hormone secreted is testosterone. Testosterone controles the secondary sexual characteristics in males such as facial hair etc. It is located in the male genital areas. Found only in males.

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The endocrine glands in the human body are :-

  1. Pituitary Gland : This gland is also known as the master gland. It secretes the growth hormones which is necessary for the normal growth of a person. It also controls the activities of the other hormones.
  2. Thyroid Gland : It secretes the hormone thyroxine which is necessary for the  growth of healthy body and helps to prevent us from the disease of goitre.
  3. Adrenal Gland : It secretes the hormone adrenalin which maintains correct salt balance in blood. It also hepls the body to adjust to stress when one is angry, embarrased or worried. 
  4. Pancreas : It secretes the hormone insulin which maintains correct sugar balance in blood.
  5. Ovary : In females, hormones from pituitary gland stimulate ovary to release estrogen. Estrogen determines the secondary sexual characters in females.
  6. Testes : In males, hormones from pituitary stimulate testes to release testosterone. Testosterone determines the secondary sexual characters in males. 
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