Give the difference between.

  1. Parasities and Saprophytes.
  2. Xerophytes and Hydrophytes.
  3. Annuals and Biennials.
  4. Gymnosperms and Anglosperms
  5. Algae and Fungi



They depend upon other organisms for their nutrition.

They feed on dead and decaying matters and obtain nutrition from them.

Their hosts are alive.

Their hosts are dead.

They may cause harm to the host.

They cannot cause any harm as the host is already dead.

E.g. Cuscuta, lice

E.g. Fungi




These plants grow in hot, dry areas like deserts.

These plants grow in water.

The leaves are modified into spines to reduce water loss.

Leaves are broad and large.

Stomata remain sunken inside the epidermis to reduce water loss.

Stomata are only present on the upper surface of the leaves.

Root system is well developed.

Root system is not that well developed.

Air sacs are absent.

Air sacs are present inside the stems to keep the stems erect in the water.

E.g. cactus

E.g. Hydrilla, lotus.




Cell wall is made up of cellulose.

Cell wall is made up of chitin.

Cells contain chloroplasts.

Cells do not contain chloroplast.

They can prepare their own food.

They obtain their food from dead organisms.

They may be green, brown or red.

They are mostly colourless.

They store food as starch.

They store food as glycogen.


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