Give the important properties of meridians of longitude and explain the relationship between longitude and time

Dear Student,

a. Longitudes are imaginary lines helping to identify the location or position of a place.
b. Meridians of longitudes run from the north to the south pole , intersecting at the poles.
Around the earth there are 360 longitudes. Each longitude has 4 minutes time difference
d.The middle point of the meridian is called as prime meridian.
  e.It is the Prime Meridian of Greenwich which  has the sun at the highest point in the sky, and helps in determining time.

Longitudes help in determining time:

.  It is the Prime Meridian of Greenwich which  has the sun at the highest point in the sky, thus all those places in that meridian would have mid day.

2. Around the earth there are 360 longitudes. Each longitude has 4 minutes time difference. 

3. Thus, if we calculate,  all the places lying on the east of Greenwich  experiences sunrise earlier   and are ahead of greenwich time and those  on the west are  behind by 1 hour.  ( as earth would rotate  15° in  an  hour or 1° in four minutes )

Time is calculated by virtue of difference between Greenwich time and longitude on which a particular place lies



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