Give two point of short difference between :-
1. Genotype and phenotype
2. Character and trait
3. Monohybrid and dihybrid cross ( phenotypic ratio ).

Dear Student




It is the actual set of genes that an  organism carries.

The expression of the genes which  can be observed.

Genotype decides the genetics and  traits of an organism.

Phenotype refers to the actual  display of that characters.

Genotypes are determined by the  inherited traits.

Phenotypes are determined by the  genotypes and some environmental factors also.

A character may be defined as the distinctive feature of an individual which can be
passed on from one generation to another while a trait may be defined as different forms of that characteristic feature . For example: Color of the eye is a character while blue or black color of the eye is a trait. Similarly, plant height is a character in pea plants but tallness and dwarfness is a trait.


1) Mono-hybrid Cross

A mono-hybrid cross is the cross between two homozygous parents (F1 generation) which differ in only one trait resulting in the second generation (F2 generation). This type of genetic cross yields a phenotypic ratio of 3:1. Thus, Mendel concluded that the F2 generation consists of 75% of organisms have a dominant phenotype out of which two-third are heterozygous while only 25 %  of organisms have a recessive phenotype. For example crossing a tall pea plant with a short pea plant is a mono-hybrid cross.


2) Di-hybrid Cross

Di-hybrid cross is a cross between two heterozygous parents (F1 generation) which differ in two traits resulting in the second generation (F2 generation). In this type of cross, the genes are located on separate chromosomes. This type of genetic cross yields a phenotypic ratio of 9:3:3:1. Thus, Mendel concluded that the pair of traits passes on from one generation to another being independent of each other. For example crossing tall round pea plant with short wrinkled peas is a di-hybrid cross.



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