Guys can u slove this??​.....
Guys can u slove this??​..... 31 144030044_3 Noel read 90 minutes each day for 6 days. Tyra read 60 minutes each day for 8 days. What is the difference, in minutes, between the total amount of time Noel read and the total amount of time Tyra read? A B c D 30 40 60 80

Noel's time of reading = 90×6 = 540 minutes
Tyra's time of reading = 60 × 8 = 480 minutes
  Difference = 540 - 480 = 60 

Correct option is (C).

  • 1
Hello every body,  can i pleas know ratio?
  • 0
Sorry for asking in a question 
  • 0
Can i just know ratio plus this answer?
  • 0
90*6 = 540
60*8 = 480
540-480 = 60
  • 1
  • 0
c option
  • 1
ans c
  • 0
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