How are pteridophytes different from the phanerogams?

The pteridophytes are vascular plants (plants with xylem and phloem) that neither flower nor produce seeds, hence they are called vascular cryptogams. Instead, they reproduce and disperse only via spores.

Phanerogamic plants are those having seeds. They comprise the gymnosperms and the angiosperms.

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 Pteridophytes :

  • They are seedless plants .
  • Reproductive organs are inconspicous hidden reproductive organs .
  • They have specialised tissues for the conduction of water .
  • Their plant body is differentiated into root, stem and leaves .

    Phanerogammes :
  • They are seed bearing plants . 
  • Reproductive organs are well - developed .
  • They have vascular tissues . 
  • Plant body is well developed and advanced .

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 dont know

  • -6
The group of similar and dissimilar group is tissue
  • -5
The reproductive organs of pteridophytes are not very well developed, and they are therefore called cryptogams or those with hidden reproductive organs. On the other hand, plants. with well differentiated reproductive organs that u]timately make seeds are called phanerogams.
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  • -5
How do poriferan animals differ from Coelenterate animals
  • -1
Answer is upper side
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What is meant by naked seeded plant
  • -1
they do not bear seeds
they are primitive forms
less differentiated reproductive organs
they bear seeds
they are more advanced
well developed reproductive organs
  • 1
Pteridophytes do not have seeds but phanerogams bear seeds.
Pteridophytes have less differentiated reproductive organs but phanerogams have well differentiated reproductive organs.
Embryos are naked and known as spores in pteridophytes instead in phanerogams embryos are present inside the seeds...
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